Monday, June 11, 2012

Comfortably Numb


Sarah at the start for Comfortably Numb.

Last year Martin, Alexis, and I ran in the Comfortably Numb Trail Race and loved it. The course follows a 22-km mountain bike trail from the Wedgemount Trailhead right into Whistler Village. Unfortunately, Sarah and I will be away for this years edition, so instead we decided to run it for fun on our own.

Sarah picking up speed on the single track. Me cruising along a wood bridge.

We parked the car in the Village and hitchiked our way north to the trailhead. The overcast skies and cool temps were perfect for running and we started off on the big initial climbs. The trail is generally well groomed single track with log bridges, rails, rock gardens, and some drops to keep things interesting. With all the rain, things are moderately muddy and we even hit some snow patches at the high point. My spikey X-Talon shoes were perfect for the trail - I am looking forward to racing on them!

Cool rock slabs at the highpoint of the day made for some cool pictures with nice views despite the clouds. Sarah tackling a steep bridge.

After navigating the confusing trails surrounding Lost Lake, we made our way back to the car and changed into fresh clothes. After I bee-lined to the ice cream shop for a hot fudge sundae, we wandered around the village on wobbly legs hoping that we could prevent the worst of the soreness.




22.43 km Distance

3:36.48 Time

846 m Vertical elevation gain

9.40 min/km Average speed

1473 calories burned


Google Earth map and elevation profile.


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